This is image was paid for by the United States Government and is therefore in the public domain. Mister Speaker. |
I had to take the piss out of Uncle Newtie. Does he really think that Obama is anti-religious? No, it's just some tough stuff to say to someone before you smoke their ass. Like Samuel L said in that movie we all like.
Sorry, I kind of jumped right up to the PG-13 range with this one. Sorry, mom. Har.
Hey, there's a new happy sack at your local fast food place. It's called the Newt Deal! He will come back on you again, and again, and again. Here he comes again!
Elect this guy and in 20 years we'll all be carrying around copies of the Encyclopedia Newtanica. He's like some sort of high priced mouthpiece for Jesus and the coming of the Greatness of American Civilization with him as this semi-devine Presi-god. Bring Master Newtman more wives!
We are the Newt Right, the Newt Revolution, the Real Newthing.
Party on. Have lots of fun at Newt's expense but just be glad it's not him chasing after your ass -- he doesn't care and he won't stop until you all look bad.
Okay, I DO NOT believe that the world is going to end in 2012. But what if it does? What would that be like? I'll take a universal apocalypse featuring the second coming of Jesus mixed with some atomic fireworks. Make that the second coming of Punk Rock Jesus. Put a danceable beat on it ... etc. This video contains an original song, written, played and sung by your humble. It also includes public domain images of atomic bomb tests did years ago. Hey, all you lowly grunts are going out into the Nevada desert tonight to see a real light show. The public domain film images were obtained from the Prelinger Archive at Did I mention that this song was played on my late-1980's crafted in Japan Fender Stratocaster? Bought it new in 1989. Thumbs up if you weren't even born yet in 1989.