Sunday, March 11, 2012

iPhone 4s Testing Video and Sound

Yeah, this is me in my zero gravity chair, checking out my new cell phone.

 This is my friend's idea of needle point ... "World Peace" carefully embroidered into an army jacket.  Yeah, yeah.  Peace and Love.

I have always said that if they could make a cell phone with a 1080p camera, I would buy one.  I was a big user of my Flip Cam, at one time it was the coolest toy I had ever owned.  I thought that Flip cameras would make a 1080p pocket cam, but they basically bailed on the world.

Leaving Apple to clean up.  What I was looking for was a reliable point and shoot 1080p pocket cam with the easy and portability of a cell phone.  Found it in the iPhone 4s.

Sample video above.  This video was taken just as it appears -- natural light, using the iPhone 4s in-camera microphone to record sound, and uploaded directly to Youtube without intervening edits, enhancements or fixes.  Not bad, considering it was a hand-held first take.

I am going to have fun with this new toy, the fun has already begun.

A couple of months back my Canon HF10 basically became unreliable.  Imagine that -- it's not like I didn't use the thing on a daily basis for about four years.  And that HF10 was refurbished when I bought it.

So I had also been using a Flip Cam, which I really enjoyed for portability, stealth and ease of use.  The problem is that the software for Flip Cams seems to be eroding ... problems exporting photos was probably my primary complaint.  Also, the 720p shooting quality was becoming antiquated. Zero zoom.  Flat colors.  Motion distortion.

I have a T2i that I can use for stills and video.  IMHO the newer Canon digital SLR cameras are great for stills, but a little odd when it comes to video.  I love my T2i and I have no intent of getting rid of it or setting it down and not using it, but I can't carry an SLR around my neck all day long.

So, the release of the 4s was what I was waiting for.  Got my son to show me how to use the thing.  I haven't had a personal cell phone for years.

My current work cell phone is a blackberry, which I did not understand or like.  It seemed as if the numbers and keyboard were too darn small for my big numb thumbs.  Really, I have ridiculopathy and my thumbs are numb most of the time, so using the Blackberry was frustrating.  I will, however, give it points as a traveling calendar and email checker.

Anyway, what I was looking for was a cell phone that would act as a camera, and that would interact with a computer fairly intuitively when I downloaded photos from the camera onto my laptop.  Found it.

Oh, yeah ... it's a cell phone too.

March 10, 2012

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