Thursday, February 9, 2012

Sunbeams and Moonwalks (Dumb Dog Trick #265)

What is a sunbeam? What is this magic place of a world we live in?

"Electro-mangetic radiation," some people would say. "The sun light," most would say. (as in, "Duh, sunlight.") I say,

My open letter to the planet:

The sun and moon are my guiding principles. The ocean is more powerful than the combination of the earth, the wind and the sky. My place is here and my time is now.

The truth shall emerge as people age in general and wisdom and responsibility take over the leadership of the continents. Some day we shall all be equal in language, equal in importance and equal in dignity.

Tragedy will befall us all within our lives, but it is in others that we will find strength and help if needed. The incidence of tragic incidents will decrease with the modernization of public transportation systems. The pulse of the earth shall be felt on its rail system and in the advanced versions of navigation and traffic synchronization systems.

The weary who make it to this new world shall survive and flourish. For it is in this next stage of the Earth's existence that true understanding of concepts such as compassion, empathy, religion and medical care shall transform our existence.

Indoor gardening, water beds and Grateful Dead Television will become very popular. Until that time arrives, however, I think I'll pass the time by making dumb dog trick videos.

February 9, 2012

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