Sunday, March 11, 2012

iPhone 4s Testing Video and Sound

Yeah, this is me in my zero gravity chair, checking out my new cell phone.

 This is my friend's idea of needle point ... "World Peace" carefully embroidered into an army jacket.  Yeah, yeah.  Peace and Love.

I have always said that if they could make a cell phone with a 1080p camera, I would buy one.  I was a big user of my Flip Cam, at one time it was the coolest toy I had ever owned.  I thought that Flip cameras would make a 1080p pocket cam, but they basically bailed on the world.

Leaving Apple to clean up.  What I was looking for was a reliable point and shoot 1080p pocket cam with the easy and portability of a cell phone.  Found it in the iPhone 4s.

Sample video above.  This video was taken just as it appears -- natural light, using the iPhone 4s in-camera microphone to record sound, and uploaded directly to Youtube without intervening edits, enhancements or fixes.  Not bad, considering it was a hand-held first take.

I am going to have fun with this new toy, the fun has already begun.

A couple of months back my Canon HF10 basically became unreliable.  Imagine that -- it's not like I didn't use the thing on a daily basis for about four years.  And that HF10 was refurbished when I bought it.

So I had also been using a Flip Cam, which I really enjoyed for portability, stealth and ease of use.  The problem is that the software for Flip Cams seems to be eroding ... problems exporting photos was probably my primary complaint.  Also, the 720p shooting quality was becoming antiquated. Zero zoom.  Flat colors.  Motion distortion.

I have a T2i that I can use for stills and video.  IMHO the newer Canon digital SLR cameras are great for stills, but a little odd when it comes to video.  I love my T2i and I have no intent of getting rid of it or setting it down and not using it, but I can't carry an SLR around my neck all day long.

So, the release of the 4s was what I was waiting for.  Got my son to show me how to use the thing.  I haven't had a personal cell phone for years.

My current work cell phone is a blackberry, which I did not understand or like.  It seemed as if the numbers and keyboard were too darn small for my big numb thumbs.  Really, I have ridiculopathy and my thumbs are numb most of the time, so using the Blackberry was frustrating.  I will, however, give it points as a traveling calendar and email checker.

Anyway, what I was looking for was a cell phone that would act as a camera, and that would interact with a computer fairly intuitively when I downloaded photos from the camera onto my laptop.  Found it.

Oh, yeah ... it's a cell phone too.

March 10, 2012

Monday, February 20, 2012

Blow me a Bubble (Dumb Dog Trick #267)

Do you give your dog enough water?

One of the basic things every dog needs every day is fresh water. Exactly how much water is that?

From what I have heard the right amount of water is about an ounce of water per day per pound your dog weighs. So a 12 lb. little dog would need a medium-sized glass of water per day. But a 64 lb. dog would need a gallon.

Dogs are also self-regulating waterers. That means that if you put out a bunch of water for them, dogs will drink as much as they want or need. If they drink too much, they can leave some on the trees and the grass and the neighbor kid's bicycle.

My old dog Blue had quite a record of going pee on stuff. He really like to go you-know-what on other dogs, especially little dogs. He'd just mark them as soon as they got in position.

Blue also liked to mark other people's stuff, like their gear bags and ice chests. Blue liked to pee on buildings, food, statutes and people.

Yes, even people. Myself included.

Blue once peed on the marketing director of the local human society. I felt so bad, because the guy is awesome and he's in a wheelchair. What does my dog do? Lift his leg on the guy in the wheelchair.

Why? I have no idea. But I always try to give Blue enough water.

Actually, always have fresh water available for your dog. When you play with your dog (or play a dog sport) you should always have a bowl around for all of the dogs.

The only dog wee wee story I have that tops Blue's exploits would be the time that Red Dog peed on my brother's Christmas Tree. Red Dog was not allowed back into my brother's house for quite some time because My Brother's Wife did not appreciate Red Dog's sense of humour.

"Hey, I was just goofin' and I peed on your Christmas Tree," said Red Dog.

"Leave now and I will let you live," said My Brother's Wife.

You get the idea.

Jimmy Jump
Tacoma, Washington
February 18, 2012

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

All Mixed Up (Dumb Dog Trick #266)


No need to use a stunt dog, my name is Red Dog.  Rojo to my friends in Mexico. El Rojo Loco!

When I started doing hard core canine disc, there were two really good red border collies.  One was Flying Red Killian, trainer being my awesome friend Tracy.  The other came along a year or two later in the name Sky, who was a dairy farm reject, and who was owned by an awesome cat named Mark.

But I had the secret weapon, the Good Boy Blue. Take that, you Red Dogs!  (Blue was a rock star disc dog.  Skyhoundz World Finalist five years in a row.  Disc Dog Magazine cover dog.  Sought out performer and consultant in matters canine.  The Blue Dog.)

Anyway, when I started it seemed like I would never be as good as Tracy and Killy (or Swanee and Katie, for that matter, but that's another 300 words for another day).

Killy was this skinny, intense, super flexible jump monster.  Tracy handles discs better than anyone.  They kicked it like Bruce Lee.  The most famous photo of Killy is him doing a 10 foot high back vault at Seattle Center in front of fountain.  Legendary.

Sky came along real nice too.  Marc and Sky did like a really pleasant show full of tricks, like Marc would spin a disc with each hand and march like a toy soldier with Sky spinning figure-eights between each step.

Marc, Sky, Blue and I all went to Disc Dog Worlds in Atlanta together in 2004 or 2005.  I have the coolest old video tape of Blue kicking it at worlds and my buddy Marc gave me that video.

We were doing a lot of gigs in those days while Killy and Sky were both alive, travelling a lot.  Canwest Shows in Edmonton/Calgary, Victoria, Vancouver.  Shows up at Whistler Ski and Snowboard Fest. Tons of local stuff -- fairs, festivals, half time shows, birthday parties, school events.  Yeah, I said birthday parties.  I love 4H and I love birthday parties.

Blue almost got his picture on the large sized Milkbone Dog Biscuit box in 2006-ish. He got some awesome press on that one.  It was a good time.

So the Blue Dog was settling down a little, and it seemed like a good time to get another pup.  Enter stage left -- The Red Dog.  Eh, El Loco Rojo.

(Get it? I had a Red Dog and a Blue Dog.)  But my Red Dog wasn't like ordinary dogs.

I am a passive positive reinforcement trainer.  I don't really train my dogs, I just hover over my dogs with treats and say things, "Good boy, Red Dog, Mighty Fine Red Dog. Don't Pee on that, Red Dog."

And that didn't work with Red.  He was too crazy.  He would get spooked and bolt.  One day he would be fine.  The next day he would shut down on me.  Weird.  Odd.

And I tried with Red Dog.  I gave him four or five years of patient practice.  The sick part is that he can do all the tricks -- vaults, overs, little tricks -- he just won't do them if he doesn't feel the vibe.  And, mostly, if he's outside the house, he doesn't feel the vide.

So I decided that Red's would be an animal actor.  He's cute as a bug  with a brain full of slobber.  Just like Charlie Sheen.

He's done some stuff.  A little clip of him ended up on Animal Planet's Bad Dog Show.  He's been in two videos that I won contests with.  '

Blue Dog's best payday included winning a contest in Canada, netting his owner $2,000 Canadian.  Believe it or not, Red Dog's biggest single paycheck can top that.  Amazing, I know.

But without my little psycho Red Dog, I probably wouldn't have started making Youtube videos.  I have to support my little guy in practicing his craft, you know.

I so loved Sky and Killy that I knew that my next dog would be a red border collie. I just didn't know that he wasn't going to the next canine freestyle disc world phenom.

It sort of all came about one day.  I won some money playing the slot machines.  She who must be obeyed agreed to acquiring a well bred animal of some sort.  A cute little puppy.  He grew into cute little dog.  But there was some rough roads down the middle stretch.

That's how a lot of the stuff I do on Youtube came about.  Blue was old, but well.  Red was nuts all the time.  So we started playing games with Red.  He loves to be in videos and he really loves to have his picture taken.

He and other dogs jump around.  They get snappy.  Then I hover over them with treats and take their pictures.  Sir, may I borrow your hat?

"Who's a good boy?  Red Dog, that's who," I breath in a high pitched whisper.  Red Dog looking back, like, "Gimme Cookie.  Gimme Cookie."

Thus was born Dumb Dog Tricks, Stop Dog Motion, and Jimmyjumpnjive.

Jimmy Jump February 13, 2012  Tacoma, Washington

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Sunbeams and Moonwalks (Dumb Dog Trick #265)

What is a sunbeam? What is this magic place of a world we live in?

"Electro-mangetic radiation," some people would say. "The sun light," most would say. (as in, "Duh, sunlight.") I say,

My open letter to the planet:

The sun and moon are my guiding principles. The ocean is more powerful than the combination of the earth, the wind and the sky. My place is here and my time is now.

The truth shall emerge as people age in general and wisdom and responsibility take over the leadership of the continents. Some day we shall all be equal in language, equal in importance and equal in dignity.

Tragedy will befall us all within our lives, but it is in others that we will find strength and help if needed. The incidence of tragic incidents will decrease with the modernization of public transportation systems. The pulse of the earth shall be felt on its rail system and in the advanced versions of navigation and traffic synchronization systems.

The weary who make it to this new world shall survive and flourish. For it is in this next stage of the Earth's existence that true understanding of concepts such as compassion, empathy, religion and medical care shall transform our existence.

Indoor gardening, water beds and Grateful Dead Television will become very popular. Until that time arrives, however, I think I'll pass the time by making dumb dog trick videos.

February 9, 2012

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Blow Your Mind (Dumb Dog Trick #264)

Why do I make Dumb Dog Trick videos?

I started doing photography in black and white. Developing photos in the darkroom. Eventually I stopped because, even though my prints were large and beautiful, it was such a pain in the ass to make them. I started making videos when digital technology made it easier to make short films or videos than it used to be to make a single print.

Dumb Dog Tricks is obviously inspired by the David Letterman Show's Stupid Pet Tricks. Did you know that when Animal Planet started Pet Star, Animal Planet got Letterman's Stupid Pet Trick coordinator to round up the talent. And, yes, I was turned down from Pet Star by that dude (can't remember his name) because my act didn't have "pop." But, heck, to be honest, he was pretty nice about it. He was also one of the few people I ever had a real chance to talk about it with. Early days of email. I also think the guy worked pretty hard wrangling a selection of animals. Lots of dog candidates.

So, what do you do? Make your own show.

Who needs pop when I got Dumb Dog Tricks? The point of Dumb Dog Tricks and really any dumb dog video, very funny dog video or what-have-you worth watching is to share the love and fun that pet ownership brings.

I pray you be easily entertained, however, as Dumb Dog Tricks are like Modern Art, the mystique is elusive, if you know what I mean. And how could you know what I mean! Har! Get it? It's that dumb.

What did I just watch? Why did I just watch that? What the hell? I want those :42 back. Hey look, there's links to more of these stupid videos. Hmm I'll try this one.

It has taken me about three years to balance the level of corniness with the immense stupidity and proper tone. It has not come easy. The theme music sound was made by scraping a '57 Chevy bumper against a curb. The photos appear chaotic, even paleolithic in their stark simplicity. The sound of the crazy man's voice conjures images of cigars, cognac and whispered secrets.

The experience of a dumb dog trick visually is similar to what one think when one of our pets leaves a surprise on the carpet -- What the crap is that?

Peace and love to all throughout the land.

Jimmy Jump

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Alien Dog Takes a Rocket Ride


Jax is a french bulldog. Jax is also an alien dog. What's an alien dog? Any dog with big eyes and cute ears that makes you smile every time you see him. Jax can even smile himself, as evidenced in the video, "Alien Dog Smiles" Jax also snores louder than a freight train, even when he's not asleep - "Snoring Alien Dog" And, as if that all wasn't enough, Jax has also decided recently that he is going to be a sled dog - "Alien Dog Rides the Snow" We're training for the Iditarod, North to Alaska! There are lots of alien dog videos on Youtube ... ha! Not just the ones I have made. Here's one - that's like an evil alien dog. Jax doesn't have a mean bone in his body. He's just full of love and play. If you're looking for a family dog, good around kids, a little bit of energy but not too much, and a good snuggle buddy, consider a Frenchie. My most viewed Youtube video is about Jax. I was really glad to see him in the snow when I shot this video, because I was wondering what I was going to post to Youtube channel next. Then the alien dog rode the snow, and I new it was Youtube gold. Have fun with your best friends. Listen to them when they tell you it's time to go for a walk, because your dog knows what's best for you. Enjoy. Have fun. Play!

As many of you might know, I really love my Frisbee Dogs, and I love to train high energy dogs to play disc dog and freestyle canine disc. Jax is probably not the best dog for that level of activity, but he can make a bunch of fun any where he goes. Jax could have a good time alone in the middle of the Sahara Desert. Yup, because he's the alien dog.

DYE YOUR DOG PINK (Pink Pitbull)


If I had a dog with enough white fur, you can be that I'd die my dog pink. I'd use fruit punch concentrate or some other food-grade, non-toxic substance. I think they even make really safe dyes just for this purpose. I'll have to get a white poodle one of the day and give it a try. Nothing in this world quite as cute as a pink poodle. Although this Pink Pitbull was a real nice dog.

Sometimes Pitties creep me out. I'm not sure why, but I know that I'm not alone on that one. Even though one of the coolest dogs I have ever me was a miniature English Bull Terrier named "Spam," who was like a Frisbee catching machine. I haven't seen Spam in a couple of years, but I'm sure she's doing just great. Her mom is a veterinarian.

The Staffy in the video was cute and friendly, and his owner really, really loved him. She died him pink so that people would see the softer side of the breed. It worked for me. I had lots of fun talking to this lady, and she was real nice. Yeah, I know there's a prong collar on this dog. The owner was little tiny bit of a woman, and I think she needed a little extra help keeping Pinky under control. Perhaps it was a training aid. Not to mention the fact that no one should ever let their Staffordshire Bull Terrier run loose or playfully approach other dogs -- not good, people totally freak out.

The images in this video were taken in Duvall, Washington, at a pet fair. Lots of staffy fanciers in Duvall. Lots of Staffy fanciers in the state of Washington too.

We have places in Washington state with breed bans on Staffies. Regulations like that don't make all that much sense to me. It's not the breed that's bad -- it's bad owners that create bad dogs. And any time a city enacts a breed specific ban, you can bet that the Pitbull fanciers will come out in droves, some from a couple of counties away, to attempt to stop such legislation. I'm not sure of the pro-pit side's success in fighting legislation, but they get darned serious about it all. They hire lawyers to fight these laws. There are lawyers who specialize in dog law. But dog law is kind of more of a calling or political mission than it is a money-making proposition. If you want to make money, there are areas of the law that are a lot more lucrative. I do have to admit that it would be fun to pull out business cards that say, Jimmy Jump, Dog Lawyer, and hand them out at the dog park.

I wish I could remember the words to this song. I translated parts of it into Spanish, and I am never entirely sure that my pronunciation of the words are correct, especially so when singing in a language other than one's first language.

Every summer I go to a dozen or so dog fairs or pet expos. Usually I perform freestyle canine disc (disc dog or Frisbee dog) at these events. I always end up meeting the nicest people and having a real good time. I really like the 4H events, as they are more old-school and fun. But give me an event with dog trick contests, dog costume contests, weiner dog races, and just about anything else canine, and I'll be happy. What do you expect from a life-long furry.

We are setting up our summer event schedule for summer 2012. Our schedule can be found at Our little troupe of dog trainers have been organizing events and performing throughout the Northwest since 2001.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

SUPER DOG BOWL SQUEAKY SONG (Canine Symphony Orchestra)


"SUPER DOG BOWL HALFTIME SHOW" audition tape by the Canine Symphony Orchestra.

Every Sunday my buddies and I meet to run our dogs. We meet around 9:30a.m. Would the NFC AND AFC AND NFL and ESPN and NBC and OMG and WTF please schedule the big game to start around 11:15? I'm usually back from my dogwalk by then. That would be super!

Do I really care who wins? Nope. I care a whole lot more about the commercials. Funny Super Bowl Commercials. Love 'em. I can't wait to see the big Doritos contest entries and winner. Those so rock. I love those videos.

When I was first using Imovie to edit videos, I got so that I would edit on and on and really focus on projects. This one is a stop motion collage of various dog sounds -- squeaky toys, barks and growls. Yeah, it is perhaps the most annoying song ever written.It's not even music. Hitting the bell on the annoyance chart is good for something, right? Let me know if anyone knows anyone looking for a series of disjointed dog grumble sounds strung together. It's like the Movie Ishtar condensed into 90 seconds. Har! I keep intending to re-upload it with greatly improved sound. Hasn't happened yet. Might not quite be as annoying if I did that. Arrr! But I got really captivated for a while with making stop-motion sound and motion set to music. My best one IMHB is Musical Chairs for Dogs. It's far from perfect, but it was fun to make and I enjoy watching the end result. Back in the 1960's they would do cool stop motions of guys scooting their behinds along the ground, then clip it together, make it go fast, and put some racecar sounds over the top. Big inspiration to me. I keep intending to do a take on that ... yeah, that would be cool. Oughta do that. Any suggestions anyone? Yeah, a parody of Onision's "I'm a Banana" song. That's a cool idea. But it would have to be Red Dog singing I'm a Chihuahua. That would work for my talent pool. As for
FOOTBALL? Dogs don't care about football. But a dog who gets a good walk in the morning will be you winter snuggle buddy while you through the whole football game.

Here's a video I just did. I think in the three years I have done Youtube I have learned a lot. I'm self taught, but I can at least put together a weird little story if I put my mind to it.

Actually, this song was originally entitled "We Love Canada." And as much as we do love Canada, the sound on it just wasn't very good. Meanwhile, the nice folks at Apple came out with ilife 11, and the upgrades to Garageband and imovie allowed me to make mondo improvements in the sound.

I'm not kidding about the remember to walk the dog stuff on these big football Sundays. DON'T FORGET TO WALK THE DOG! Don't sit on the couch all day, stuffing your face. At least go out and walk the dog first.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Newt's Response to Florida (the Second Coming)

This is image was paid for by the United States Government
and is therefore in the public domain.  Mister Speaker.

I had to take the piss out of Uncle Newtie.  Does he really think that Obama is anti-religious?  No, it's just some tough stuff to say to someone before you smoke their ass.  Like Samuel L said in that movie we all like.

Sorry, I kind of jumped right up to the PG-13 range with this one.  Sorry, mom.  Har.

Hey, there's a new happy sack at your local fast food place.  It's called the Newt Deal!  He will come back on you again, and again, and again.  Here he comes again!

Elect this guy and in 20 years we'll all be carrying around copies of the Encyclopedia Newtanica.  He's like some sort of high priced mouthpiece for Jesus and the coming of the Greatness of American Civilization with him as this semi-devine Presi-god.  Bring Master Newtman more wives!

We are the Newt Right, the Newt Revolution, the Real Newthing.

Party on.  Have lots of fun at Newt's expense but just be glad it's not him chasing after your ass -- he doesn't care and he won't stop until you all look bad.

Okay, I DO NOT believe that the world is going to end in 2012.  But what if it does?  What would that be like?  I'll take a universal apocalypse featuring the second coming of Jesus mixed with some atomic fireworks. Make that the second coming of Punk Rock Jesus.  Put a danceable beat on it ... etc.  This video contains an original song, written, played and sung by your humble.  It also includes public domain images of atomic bomb tests did years ago.  Hey, all you lowly grunts are going out into the Nevada desert tonight to see a real light show.  The public domain film images were obtained from the Prelinger Archive at  Did I mention that this song was played on my late-1980's crafted in Japan Fender Stratocaster?  Bought it new in 1989.  Thumbs up if you weren't even born yet in 1989.